Thursday, February 27, 2025

City Council Meeting


Hayter for January 12, 2025

I’m a better man for the experience. Maybe.

            Last week I did something that I’ve never done before. The reason being, I never wanted to. However, I thought it was past time for me to let my voice be heard. What better chance than to attend a Conroe City Council Citizen’s Inquiry.

I didn’t even know there was such a thing, but that didn’t stop me from showing up to make my feelings known. In this particular inquiry, they allowed attendees three minutes to voice their concerns. Unfortunately, I didn’t arrive soon enough to add my name to the list of prospective talkers.

Before the Mayor had a chance to call up the first speaker, one of the City’s Administrative persons immediately hurried to the microphone and started talking. A lot of people in the audience booed her crassness, but the mayor let her talk, which she did for over 30 minutes. That’s like 10 times longer than three minutes.

I didn’t have a problem with her lengthy speech, because I was learning a bunch. I had already learned the Mayor’s name, and now I was learning about things the City needed to improve on. I thought the speaker made excellent points about several situations, a bunch of which I didn’t understand. I didn’t know any of the names of all the people she referred to.  

At the beginning, the administrator lady began getting booed by some in the audience. It was during her talk that I thanked God for not letting me sign up to talk. I don’t know what people would’ve done to me had I used humor to get my point across. I’m telling you, it was a tough audience. Speaking of which, in an attempt to save my rear, let me say that each one of the booers in the room, had good reason to be upset. I was unable to understand all of the points made, but their boos sounded right on target… and I need them to know that.  

In several instances, the Mayor had to call the meeting to order. While upset, he still managed to handle himself well. If I were in charge, I’d likely start crying and leave. Hey, I’m an actor. I can cry on a dime. Or maybe a couple of bucks.

One of the issues mentioned had to do with the selling of Sam Houston Elementary School. Some wanted to keep the facility and refurbish it. Others wanted to use it for the arts. “Art” is all-encompassing. I didn’t take notes because my brain is like a poorly tied shoelace.

The only topic I wanted to talk about was merely mentioned in passing. The Council had apparently already held meetings to discuss the closing of West Side Recreation Center. That happens to be the place where Brad Meyer and I play racquetball. We go to the Center twice a week. Of course, we don’t do that now because the Center is shut down!

Here’s the part that really chaps my elbow. The City didn’t wait for the new proposed gym facility to open before closing the West Side facility. One problem with that is the fact that the new facility will not a have racquetball courts

Now you can only play Racquetball at the CK Ray Recreational Facility… unless a really nice person built a racquetball court for the children. And for Brad and me. Don’t get me wrong, CK Center is a great place. It’s located on Candy Cane Road just off I-45 between 105 and Wilson Road. – I’ll wait for you to jot that down. -- The only advantage CK has over the West Side Center is that Candy Cane Road doesn’t flood much. The road into the West Side only floods when it rains big drops. In this case, the water never rises high enough to make it inside the building. If it did, it would mean that the entire east side of the county was flooded.

There is also a large gym that doubles as pickle-ball courts. I’m not into pickle-ball, because the paddles are small, and the plastic balls make a cracking noise when they hit the wooden paddle and then bounce on the wooden floor. It’s not right to have to play a game with a ball that makes a cracking sound every time you touch it. If I were in charge, I’d have people with a rubber ball and a rubber-coated paddle. I imagine that’s not done because it would make too much sense. (Hey part of that was a joke, so no offense intended.)

CK Ray’s place has the same type of exercise rooms with all kinds of equipment, most of which really wear me out. It also has a gym where pickle-ball and basketball are played. Oh, and they’ve got a coffee pot. The guests at West Side are potless. But forget that. The place needs to stay open until the new south-of-town facility is completed and comes with a racquetball court.  

Again, let me say that I learned a lot by attending the City Council Inquiry Meeting. I doubt I’ll ever attend another. The important thing I learned was that I don’t want to be a Mayor, City Council member, or administrative person. Life’s too short to spend time getting pounded. I’m not one who gives as good as he gets. But, as mentioned, I can cry on a dime.

 Next week, I don’t know what I’ll be sayin’, but it won’t be anything political. Hey, I’m one of 18 Texas Democrats who has a modicum of sense.


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