“Death of the Good Old Days”
You ask me, the Good Old Days
were good because we didn’t know any better. If we had known what the Sam Hill
was going on back then, we would’ve been every bit as angry and depressed as we
are right now.
little gets past us. Immediately and constantly we are bombarded with
information both real and fabricated. Most of what we hear and read is bad,
simply because good news doesn’t hold our attention as well.
In the
Good Old Days we didn’t have that many choices. Let me take you on a short
visit to the Hayter household back in The Day. -- Mom did all the grocery
shopping for the family and she did it really fast. The reason I know that is
because she would leave Dennis, Jill, Alan and me in the car with the windows
down while she shopped; yet, she never lost any of us. If we had been
accustomed to air conditioning, we would’ve moaned and groaned.
wasn’t even afraid of us being kidnapped. If anyone walked
by a car filled with sweaty kids, the notion of taking any of them home would be adverse to reason. Before heading into Weingarten’s, Mom would say
something like, Den-Mark, take care of Jill and L’il Snothead. And, behave
yourselves or when I get back I’ll wring your necks.
Mom never followed up on any of her horrific threats. -- I take that back. She
did once come close to pulling my hair out. -- Unless a parent backs up a
threat, it’s hard for a kid to remember what he’s not supposed to do. To this
day, I’ve associated a door slamming with a hair yanking. And, there’s no
counting how many times I cried until I was given something to cry about.
From all
of that, you might be led to assume that Mom didn’t let us shop with her
because we acted up in the grocery store. Truth be told, I don’t ever remember
her letting us in the grocery store. Elsie always anticipated the worst when it came
to child rearing. Everything she did was preemptive.
missed out on a whole lot by not getting to shop with Mom. Had it not been for the cereal commercials on
our 18 inch RCA, I would’ve thought that Grape Nut Flakes was the only cereal
on the market. A decade or so later, when I got to eat my first bowl of Sugar
Pops, I wept.
why it never took Mom long to shop. There wasn’t all that much of a selection,
and she knew exactly what she wanted.
Today, there are way too many decisions to make while grocery shopping. Take
crackers. Mom’s choice used to be between Saltines and Ritz. I am so glad she
didn’t live to see the Trapezoid Flaxseed with Farro Bits Cracker.
When it
came to sliced bread we got Mrs. Baird’s or Cookbook. When Sunbeam came out
with thin-sliced bread, Mom jumped all over it. I believe it was Dad who made
her go back to Baird.
I lived
during a time before the twist-tie was invented. All bread was wrapped in paper
with one end laced with an un-stickable glue. After closing the wrapper, you had
to shove the end of the bread against the flour canister to keep it closed.
out produce was a lot simpler back then. They apparently had not yet bred
different varieties of tomatoes, because the only one I ever saw was the one
called “tomatoe.” Now, I have to stand in the produce department and try to
figure out if I want the tomatoes with the vines still on ‘em, or the container
with the 56 grape-sized tomatoes. I’ve never cared for a tomato that exploded
in my mouth. Kay apparently gets a bang out of ‘em.
The only
lettuce of which I was aware was called “head lettuce” because it was in the shape
of a soccer ball and no one played soccer back then. There are so many
different varieties of lettuce, today, that if one variety carries a germ, there
are still 34 other weird leafy things from which you can choose.
But that
was all acceptable because, like I say, we didn’t know any better. As I look
back, we were shielded from so much. Food selection was only one of the minor
cover-ups. Practically all of the ills
in today’s society have been with us since biblical times. I was raised during
a time when the media, government, schools, churches, and, yes, our parents
told us what they considered was best for us to know. In the words of Colonel
Nathan R. Jessup in “A Few Good Men,” we couldn’t handle the truth.
Now, we
have a so much grander opportunity to discard our blissful ignorance. It’s so
much easier to check up on things. What we find out can really mess up our opinions about stuff, but that’s only a problem with those of us who worship opinion.
children today will be able to look back to what they consider Good Old
Days. For that to happen, we need to care enough to search for and learn the
truth. But more than that, we will need to value it.
Mark can be contacted at hayter.mark@gmail.com.
An archive of Hayter’s articles can be found at http://markhayterscolumn.blogspot.com
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