Sunday, December 18, 2022

Astros World Series


Hayter’s article for Nov 6, 2022 

          “The following article was written before Game 6 of the World Series. As of its writing, Mark had no idea as to the outcome of the event.”


Hayter’s article for Nov 6, 2022 

You have to ask yourself – “Will there still be life after the World Series?” There has been so much well-deserved hype over the event that some Astros fans have entered the realm of the assured.

Not me. I’ve been a big fan of every reasonable Houston Sports team. Houston Ice Curlers? Not so much. Mostly football, basketball, and baseball. Like you, I’ve had my knees buckle on me numerous times. To the point, where it’s hard for me to get all that excited, unless and until a team like the 2022 Astros comes along.

          While I enjoyed playing baseball back in the day, I am no longer capable. Granted, I’m better than several old men playing in senior softball leagues. Fortunately, I managed to quit the game years before I looked as bad as they do. As of now, I’m unqualified to play in any game that doesn’t involve dominoes or dice. That being said, I do play racquetball, but only because Brad Meyer is as bad as I am.

          Of all sports, the only one I’ll watch is the NFL and college football. I tape the games and fast-forward between plays. Baseball? I don’t even tape ‘em, because there are so many breaks in the game, that I’d be constantly stopping the tape. Life’s too short for that.  

Another reason I don’t watch baseball is that a game can change with one swing of the bat. “Crack!” That’s why I only check on the Astros’ score after the game. Then I’ll watch the highlights.

When this series ends there will be one city in this country that is going to be filled with the jubilant citizenry. Another will be filled with people who behave as if they’re cursed. About a half-dozen hopefuls will say something stupid, like “Maybe next year.”

          I was born and raised in the Houston area, and have never even thought “Maybe next year.” That’s what you call a poor loser. The only thing worse than a poor loser is a too-proud winner. Let’s face it, after one of the teams wins, there will eventually be a parade. Afterward, it’s “Nothing to see here. Everybody back to work!”

All of the angst or rejoicing you experienced during the entire season, carries with it no lasting value… unless you successfully gambled on the sport. Before the next season starts, players will be traded, coaches will be let-go, and still “*the world will be spinning in greased grooves.” Until it’s not. (* John Steinbeck “Cannery Row”)

But, I choose to forget sports for now. Now I want to focus on you. I mean me. I get us mixed up. One of my accomplishments during retirement from teaching was finishing my first novel. Writing the book turned out to be easier than getting the thing published. After too many rejections, I got Amazon to print the thing. I can’t afford to pay for the promotion of the novel, so I’ve purchased more of my books than anyone else. The bottom line, “The Summer of ‘76” is now out there. Has been for three years.

Now I’m in the process of editing my second novel. Upon completion, I will canvas the area, the state, and the nation for an agent. Maybe even Australia. You know the story. You can’t get published without an agent and you can’t get an agent until you’re published.

If you scratch this book publishing thing, you’re going to come up with a World Series scenario. If you do get published, your joy will be short-lived. What about the next book? Even Steven King is concerned about his next book. – Forget that. Steven King could write a book about a missing shoelace. In fact, he probably has

Other than “The Summer of ‘76”, I also had Amazon publish my small book of Christmas short stories. The collection is called “Christmas Storybook Stories.” My friend and talented artist, Joe Kolb, illustrated the thing. He’s been a more successful artist than I have been a writer.

I mentioned all of that to mention this. Saturday, November 12, at 1:00 pm the Heritage Museum of Montgomery Country, located in Conroe asked artist Joe Kolb and writer “me” to appear for a short talk about the things that come to the minds of an artist and columnist.

I will bring along 20 copies of my “Summer of ‘76” novel, and 50 copies of “Christmas Storybook Stories” for purchase with all profits going to the Heritage Museum of Montgomery County.

Word comes from Kay that either or both books would make fairly decent Christmas gifts while helping to maintain the great standards of the County’s cherished historical museum.

          By the way, my editor, Sondra Hernandez, got her book “Conroe: Images of America” published in 2021 and, too, delivered a talk recently at the Heritage Museum. I knew nothing about it. Turns out, Sondra is less of a promoter than I am!    

          But for now, remember, Saturday, November 12 at Heritage Museum at the east side of I-45 in Conroe, just after you pass 105. There will be 50 Christmas books at $10 each and 20 “Summer of ’76” novels at $15 each.  – None of the profits are mine. – You’ll be donating to a good cause while getting to read a book or books by a local crazy man. 



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