Tuesday, February 8, 2022

In the year 2040


Hayter’s article for February 6, 2022

“Remember, there is still time to panic.” 

            Are you aware of what is supposed to happen by 2040? It’s really bad. You might want your children to leave the room. And, if you’re middle-aged, I wouldn’t even read this thing.

            That leaves the eight of us. So, here goes. Back in 1972, a bunch of really smart people at MIT, after studying historical data and using the best computers available in 1972, came up with a formula that pointed to a global collapse of society in 2040.

            A sane person would not place much trust in a prediction developed by data dug up 30 years ago. I’m marginally sane and I wasn’t worried… until I noticed something researcher Gaya Herrington published last year. The scholar took the data accumulated in 1972 and compared it with the improvements we’ve made up to 2020 and found that the world is still on track for a collapse.

            In other words, in the time-frame calculated by the MIT brain crew, we have not significantly improved our environmental woes enough to prevent a 2040 meltdown. And, even if we made a gigantic push right now, it would be too late to stop what is already in motion. Fortunately, some scientists report that there is still plenty of time to panic. Scientists can be so whimsical.

In the past 10 years, so much ice has melted in Greenland that the water from the melt would cover the United States with about two feet of water. Mathematicians come up with things like that to make the less smart among us better understand what’s happening.

This glacial melt taking place above the Arctic Circle and below the Antarctic Circle is causing a rise of fresh water and a lowering of the salinity of the water in the oceans. The rise of the water will cause a loss of some property and the death of a lot of fish that live in saltwater. The cold water will move toward the warm water causing the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic Drift, and multiple other currents to either change course or cease to exist. 

The water at the poles will warm, and this will cause hurricanes to hit Greenland, Canada, Europe, Asia, and the poles. Keep in mind, this is merely a prediction.

Regardless, we also have air pollution to contend with. Air pollution not only messes up our climate, but it also off kills much of the animal life. Some may see our oceanic problems as small spuds. Global temperature rise is a natural occurrence. Mankind doesn’t cause it, nor can mankind prevent it. I see your point. It’s ill-founded, but I see it.

             These are just some of the findings that Ms. Herrington, the lady mentioned above, came up with. However, I don’t know that she addressed our biggest problem. Environment aside, what worries me the most is the growth of technology. Currently, society is holding its own regarding advances in circuitry and such. Some of us know how to use computers to lock our doors, cool our homes, turn off our lights, start our cars, and allow us to watch two football games.

The one thing we can’t afford to be without is the money to buy these things. For the most part, our money is merely digits on a computer screen. We spend our money with the use of a small flat piece of plastic that we either insert into a computer or offer up as codes to companies online. Every transaction is transferred by circuitry that shoots information along fiber optic cables to a tower that shoots them into the air where they bounce off of satellites and are picked up by other satellites or earth-bound towers.  

Unless you’re covered in lead, you are being hit by weird rays that are bouncing off you or traveling through you. One of you is being hit with a transaction from a guy buying pancakes at Denny’s. In other words, the proof of our worth, our residence, our health, and our current location is flying through space, available to anyone smart enough to pick it up.

            You may have noticed that car dealerships have few autos and trucks on their lots and that the price of used cars has sky-rocketed. That’s because 90 percent of the semiconductors used in our vehicles is made in Taiwan. Taiwan can’t meet the demand for computer chips, because COVID has slowed production. Not to fear, China is making a lot of noise about taking over Taiwan.

            The lack of a tiny chip has crippled our auto industry. Last year, three sets of Russian hackers managed to cut our access to gasoline, causing our prices to climb. At the moment, access to our refineries, city power grids, water supplies, corporate inventions… are becoming more vulnerable than ever.

            Viewing our country’s experience of late, you may have noticed that we haven’t coped well with our neighbors, our co-workers, our fellow shoppers, and retail management. You may recall how the scarcity of toilet paper pretty much wiped us out. Tissue went to the wisest, the strongest, the meanest, and the least considerate among us.

            At some point between now and 2040, all heck is gonna break loose. Those who carry firearms will sneak off to their hidden fortresses and live on powdered asparagus and freeze-dried pork chops. Between 2040 and 2100 it is predicted that the world’s population will dwindle to the levels it was in 1900, as will our work skills. 

            But, don’t run off to your hidden fortress yet. Next week, assuming my computer still works, I plan to give some details about another prediction for 2040. This one is much better, but I won’t be here to enjoy it. And, I can live with that. – Now it’s safe to let the kids back in. – Next time.



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