Thursday, November 9, 2023

Keeping up with technology?


Hayter for Aug 20, 2023

“There’s something happening here”

          There comes a time in one’s life when you realize that you can never learn enough to catch up. I’m still trying to come to grips with the workings of a wall-plug.     

          Considering the number of innovations that pop up each day, I have become “puerile”. I just discovered that word a few minutes ago. It means “childishly addle-brained”. I only looked it up to prove that I’m still capable of finding things out.

          My lack of know-power became more apparent just a few minutes ago. A young acquaintance of mine recently died of a heart attack just right out of the blue. Yesterday I was sending a message to a few of my friends when I noticed that his name was included on the list of those to get the message. I sadly removed it. 

          When I clicked on his name, I noticed a shortlist of search options. One read, “Open detailed view”. I didn’t know what that meant. After clicking on it, I still don’t. Completely covering my computer screen was line upon line of small-print gibberish. I think it’s known as “computer code”.

          The 102 lines of code continued to extend horizontally past the screen three times. That is equivalent to 306 lines of small-print gibberish. I shall show you the first part of the code. Share this with no one! Ready? --  var aa="Chromium",l="Edge -- The longer the line stretched, the more symbols appeared.

          Do you understand what I’m telling you? If so, please explain it to me. This information apparently told the powers-that-be information about my friend. Who did that? Google? Firefox? Uncle Sam? Do each of the 325+ million people in the country have 306 lines of coded information saved in computer files? If so, they hid them all right after I clicked on my friend’s name. I couldn’t find any coded stuff for anyone else… including myself. Did I have a Twilight Zone moment?

          Unless I’m nuts, and I’m fairly sure I am, to bounce the code for someone’s name and location off a satellite, would require converting each of the thousands of coded symbols into a binary code. It’s my understanding that that is what is used to send info from tower to tower and tower to satellite. A binary code has only two symbols; 0 and 1. A trinary code is non-functional as of yet. At least it wasn’t the last time I looked.

          Just a second, I’ll look up the name “mark” to find out how to print it in binary code. Give me a second. – Okay. In binary code “mark” becomes 01101101 01100001 01110010 01101011 00001010. Just for grins, I also asked the computer program for the binary code of the symbol #@. -- After a few seconds, I was informed that the symbols were “too long to encode”. Hokey smokes!

          So, applying a binary code to 306 lines of symbols, and then bouncing it off a radio tower would take a gazillion zeroes and ones. Only God and a giant computer somewhere know the binary code for the 325+ million people in the U.S.

          For the three of you, still here, I shall share one final example of my addled brain. I watched a 14-minute lecture by Political Scientist, Ian Bremmer earlier this morning. I never heard of the guy, but his topic interested me. He was going to tell us what nation would be the most powerfully important in the near future. Presently it’s the U.S. followed closely by China. Bremmer said that in 10 years the greatest power on earth would be neither of those. 

          While I hope you take a moment to listen to his lecture, I’m going to share what I learned from the able speaker. Bremmer said that no one country today has the power to dominate all other countries. A handful of countries have the capability of destroying the world with nuclear weapons, but that’s not controlling. That’s obliterating.

          Until that happens, neither the U.S. nor China can control the countries in Asia or Europe. And only the countries in Africa can control other countries in Africa.  Apparently, the nations in South America don’t care to control anyone.

          According to the professor, within a decade, no one country will control any of the others. However, five really rich individuals will control the technology of all nations. And as fast as technology doubles itself it could be earlier than that. A.I. is going to be beyond the realm of control by any nation. Bremmer believes that the five wealthiest individuals in the world will likely be in control of politics, finances, information, communication, and defense.

          There’s likely to be no thought of blowing up other nations. Technology could make void any nuclear exchange. Or conceivably, cause a nuclear exchange. Bremmer didn’t mention any of that during his 14-minute talk, but I thought it was implied. Different corporate entities know what we watch, who we communicate with, what our health is, what medicines we take, who our friends are, how much or how little money we have, where we visit, where we work, where we go on vacation or church or what transportation we have.

          Bremmer’s entire message was for us to wake up. All of the horrors mentioned will likely happen, but only if something is not done about it. The first step is understanding the situation. As mentioned, my level of understanding is childlike.  

          No, it’s pretty much up to you to do something about the dilemma the world is in.  The Congress of the U.S. is not up to handling anything that important anytime soon. So, it’s up to you, with possible help from China, Europe, and India to catch hold of this runaway train.

          At this moment the situation is more dire than when I started this article. So, forget the runaway train. This is a runaway brain.



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